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ti3 solves overdue unpaid accounts by your clients

Sign up to automatically remind, escalate and take payment from overdue customers and handle everything in between.
99c per invoice
Add to your process
No collector necessary
Late and overdue payers
Sign Up ➝

$80+ Million & counting

Struggling with 90+ days
A fresh new approach
Tools that work
Thanks for adding Peter who owes $850
First reminder sent
ti3 sent Peter an sms & email. He opened the sms
Second reminder sent
We included your 20% discount and he opened it
Settlement offer
Peter offered $580 to settle. Want to accept?
Payment received
After approving, Peter has paid $580 and the account is now settled
Automate follow up and payment of overdue customer invoices


Who owes you money ?

Simply add them, or upload from Excel, or with our Quickbooks 1-click integration partner button.

Settlement discounts work

As my Dad said, 'give and take' goes a long way. Add an optional incentive discount to settle.

Optional payment plans

Turn on payment plans and set the time period that works for you that clients can work with.

Everything inside

#RepeatedFollowup #Discounts #OnlinePayment #PaymentPlans #Disputes #SettlementOffers #Compliance #Escalation #Excel #realtimeReporting

No middleman

Payments go direct from your clients to you. Just set where it needs to go. There are no middlemen.

Repeated weekly follow up

Digital first consistency with emails and texts in a respectful but consistent 5 week engagement program. One per week with changing messages
Sign Up ➝

Monthly Plans

There is no cost for debtors to use ti3

No Subscription

Pay as you go
Get started
99c per invoice
No monthly subscription
Unlimited invoices
Fully featured

Best Value

Billed monthly
Get started
100 invoices chased at a time
No per invoice cost
Cancel whenever
Fully featured

Pro Plan

Billed monthly
Get started
1,000 invoices chased at a time
10% fee on 120+ days*
No per invoice cost
Fully featured

* based on monies actually collected
Contact us for Enterprise volumes
Managed Disputes 99c each for all plans
Debt collectors may not use our software. Creditors only.

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I own my own business. Clients who do not pay really upset me

I love that I can add my clients who do not pay into ti3 and it reaches out to them automatically every week repeatedly. I do not like debt collectors. I do not have the time or patience. ti3 solved both for me.

Randy L.
